1. General

The following conditions are valid for any sale concluded. By validating the order and making payment, the customer de facto accepts the conditions of sale of TitaniumPlanet, the French language being authoritative.

2. Offers

All offers and quotations are free of TitaniumPlanet-binding.

3. Prices and payments

The valid on the day of delivery and sale prices for repairs at the time of execution of the contract valid approach. TitaniumPlanet reserves the right to price adjustments and changes in discount rates due to changes in market conditions. The payment shall be made by agreement or in accordance with the terms and conditions printed on the invoice. When payment is exceeded, the calculation of interest on arrears reserved.

4. Delivery

The shipments are made at the expense and risk of the recipient, including for deliveries free of charge. The nature of the shipment at the discretion of TitaniumPlanet. Postage, post and rail excessive packaging and express fees are charged to the buyer proportionately. Partial deliveries are permitted. The delivery times quoted are subject to unforeseen obstacles. In particular, acts of God, war, strike, setting, production restrictions, damage to production facilities, non-delivery or delay in delivery of a supplier, plans or orders of authorities and similar unforeseen events TitaniumPlanet exempt from the fulfillment of contracts concluded within the agreed delivery period. Deadlines give the buyer no reason to cancel the contract or claim damages. TitaniumPlanet is entitled to withdraw from the contract if the financial situation of the buyer until the Delivery deterioration has occurred that can not be expected in a timely or complete fulfillment of its obligation to pay in accordance with the TitaniumPlanet come to its attention circumstances

5. Sender, recipient and tracking number

TitaniumPlanet is not a delivery company. TitaniumPlanet is a client of a postal company and takes on the role of sender. The buyer of TitaniumPlanet contractually assumes the role of recipient. According to the conditions of the International Postal Union, the responsibility of the sender is engaged until the postal company declares the item "delivered". As long as the shipment is in transit, any complaints to the postal company are the responsibility of the sender (TitaniumPlanet). The waiting period is 30 days from the date of shipment, i.e. a claim cannot be requested before this period. From the moment the item is declared "delivered" by the postal company, the recipient's liability begins. In other words, if the recipient (TitaniumPlanet customer) does not consider a shipment "delivered" as such, it is up to him to undertake the research and/or complaint procedures with the postal company. As soon as TitaniumPlanet has handed over a shipment to the postal company, the site automatically sends the recipient (customer) the tracking number and the link of the postal company in charge. This email from info@titaniumplanet.com is sent automatically to the email address that the customer has registered on their profile. The customer is responsible for checking that emails from TitaniumPlanet do not land in their SPAM box. The customer is responsible for tracking their shipment. If, for any reason, the postal company fails to deliver the item to the recipient's address, it is liable. Any new delivery or return costs will be the responsibility of the negligent recipient.

6. Claims and Complaints

Complaints kind used externally only be considered within eight days of receipt of our mission. In cases of incomplete or incorrect deliveries must be notified in writing within eight days of receipt of the shipment.

7. Exchanges, back shipping, returns

The exchange or return of products will only be carried out after the agreement of TitaniumPlanet. The resulting transport and packaging costs are the responsibility of the customer. Returned merchandise must be complete and in a condition that allows resale; restocking costs may be deducted. If the condition does not meet these criteria, TitaniumPlanet reserves the right to reduce the credit note on the merchandise returned or exchanged. Returns without valid reason (seller's shipping error or defect in the product sold) are accepted only if the part(s) returned are in new, unused condition. In this case, shipping costs are not refunded and return costs are the responsibility of the buyer. The returned part(s) will only be refunded once verified and deemed compliant by the seller.

8. Warranty, Warranty For merchandise

TitaniumPlanet guarantees assured by their suppliers properties in the sense of the information and recommendations contained in the latest edition of the TitaniumPlanet catalog or TitaniumPlanet brochures. If the products supplied are subject to manufacturing or material defects which affect the value or usefulness of more than negligible, TitaniumPlanet will remedy the defect at its option, repair or replacement. The Buyer is not entitled to change or reduction. If TitaniumPlanet to design and / or assembly takes place, TitaniumPlanet is based on the information provided by the client. TitaniumPlanet data is based on theoretical considerations and calculations or experimental or measurement results, which were developed in the TitaniumPlanet-test workshop, in practice or with suppliers. There is no warranty for damages incurred for the following reasons: unsuitable or improper use, faulty installation or commissioning by the purchaser or third parties, natural wear, faulty or negligent treatment, improper handling or external force.

9. Liability

From the viewpoint of assurance of properties TitaniumPlanet liable only if TitaniumPlanet has certain characteristics expressly agreed. Specifically excluded are all claims for damages for direct or indirect damage, unless that TitaniumPlanet intent or gross negligence can be attributed. For third-party products supplied by TitaniumPlanet. TitaniumPlanet is only liable to the extent in which suppliers of TitaniumPlanetguarantee for their products TitaniumPlanetcompared to assume and carry.

10. Place of performance and applicable law

Place of performance and jurisdiction for delivery and payment is Lausanne, Vaud. Swiss law applies.